Driven by Faith- Donate Today!

“How can my congregation help?”

  • Pray for us
  • Please keep our work and our patients in our prayers.  
  • Volunteer

Volunteers are the lifeblood of Charis Health Center.  We’re able to best serve those in-need because of the services provided by congregations like yours that are connected to our mission of hope and healing.

Ways your congregation can help:

  • Gather a group from church to volunteer at one of our community events with our Mobile Health Clinic.  Or have your church host a community health event with our Mobile Health Clinic.
  • Invite us to speak to your congregation or Sunday school class.
  • Help us collect much needed items for the clinics. We are always in need of office supplies (copy paper, stamps, binders, cleaning supplies, storage bins small & medium) and medical supplies (gloves S & M, sharps boxes, small trash bags, tri-fold paper towels)
  • Give

Through the generous support of faith communities and organizations, we provide health and prevention services to thousands of our neighbors in Middle Tennessee who lack access to health care.

Ways to help us continue our mission

  • Take up a monthly collection for Church Health at your Sunday school class.
  • Hold a bake sale, potluck, walk, or arts & craft sale to benefit Charis Health Center.
  • Contribute as an individual donor or a congregation directly to Charis Health Center.

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